Hands on Healing Practitioner Training
Hands on Healing Practitioner Training, for energetically sensitive people who know thy are here to help others through this shift in consciousness we are in.
This training is for those who have done my Negative Energy Removal Practitioners Training and would like to expand their skills to be able to offer Hands on Healing as a one to one sessions, distance healing sessions, group healings and other forms of delivery.
In the video below, I explain why the Negative Energy Removal Practitioners Training is so important as a prerequisite to this training.
Video testimonials from students below will give you a insight into other peoples experience with this training and what their experience is with the combination of my trainings together.
Below the videos you will see the curriculum laid out, so you can see the different healings you will be able to offer. So you have a lot to feel into to see if this training is right for you.
We are in a time where healing will be in high demand as we are forced as a collective to rise to a new level of consciousness... this can be very uncomfortable as we are forced to face ourselves and what blocks us from our true Divine essence and expression.
We are standing at the tipping point and the wild ride is about to start. Having a way to clear, heal and expand is going to be an incredible tool for yourselves, those you love and your community.
I would love to guide you through my proven blueprint that will allow you to step into your energetic gifts at a whole new level. If this is calling you.... then it is your calling.
Course Curriculum
StartWelcome & How to study this training. (4:27)
StartPrerequisite for this training (8:55)
StartWhat this training will teach you & the difference between the Records & Hands on Healing (7:58)
StartWhy working with your body is so important (19:43)
StartBlueprinting (12:52)
StartClearing Via the Records & Hands on Healing (6:42)
StartAlignment Keys (54:16)
StartAbsolute & Relative Truth (22:23)
StartPreparing to be a Healer- The Process (41:30)
StartOpen- Clear- Close (20:59)
StartFinding The Pathway (3:41)
Start1-Brain Reset- Physical Level (5:35)
Start2- Shock/ Trauma Release- Physical Level (7:02)
Start3- Toxin Flush- Physical Level (6:01)
Start4- Hydration Balance- Physical Level (3:14)
Start5- Organ & Gland Healing- Physical Level (8:51)
Start6- Kidney Flush- Physical Level (3:24)
Start7- Structural Balance- Physical Level (5:07)
Start8- Body System Balance- Physical Level (2:13)
Start9- Neurological Balance- Physical Level (3:01)
Start10- Dis-ease Balance- Physical Level (6:33)
Start11- Genetic Balance- Physical Level (3:21)
Start12- Hormone Balance- Physical Level (5:52)
Start13- DNA Balance- Physical Level (3:33)
Start14- Nervous System Regulation- Physical Level (7:18)
Start15- Negative Relationship Detachment & Karmic Contact Release- Physical Level (7:53)
Start16- Vaccine Clearing- Physical Level (5:52)
Start17- Autonomic Nervous System Reset- Physical Level (11:08)